6 Week Programs

Babywearing Ballet
Wednesdays 9:30-10:15AM
November 13-Dec 18

Dance With Me*
Wednesdays 10:30-11:45am
November 13-Dec 18
Adult assisted dance class ages 18 months -3 years

Adult Ballet (with experience)
Wednesdays 6:15-7:15pm
November 13-Dec 18
For all those former dancers who want to get back into it
INTRO STEPS 6-Week Trial Program
Introducing new dancers to the basics and the joy of movement.
QUICK STEPS 6-Week Sessional Program
A short, impactful program designed to leave a lasting impression.
Our 6 week classes are perfect for dancers who are just taking their first mini steps into dance! Try any of our non-competitive and pre-competitive classes for just 6 weeks!
The best part is that if they decide they love dance they just continue on at the same day and time for the remainder of the season!

All trials are $10.00 and can be applied to your membership fee upon registration. Non-Competitive Trial Classes available until January 31. Competitive Trial Classes available until October 31.